Secure your data and who can see it.

The advanced security module from doForms allows you to take control of who can collect, view, edit and distribute doForms information within your organization, as well as externally.

Multi-factor Authentication

Email 6-digit numeric security code to authenticate web user prior to login.
Option to set security code to expire in X minutes.
Option to require new security code X minutes after logout.
Option to require device IMEI validation.
Option to set complex passwords.

Option to set complex passwords. If enabled::

  • between 8 and 40 characters.
  • must contain at least 1 UPPER and 1 lower case character
  • must contain at least 1 special character (!,@,#,$,%,&)

Option to set Web User lock-out. If enabled:

  • Block after X failed attempts
  • Remove block after (1, 3, 5, 15, 30 or 60) Minutes
  • Activity timeout after (1, 3, 5, 15, 30 or 60) Minutes OR (1-12) Hours


A customer account specific encryption key (AES-256) is used to encrypt numeric or text fields.
With the mobile app, the encryption key is encrypted using an RSA key.
Option to set an account with the ability to view encrypted fields or not.


All doForms communication is being encrypted over SSL or TLS (1.2 preferred/1.1 supported if needed)

Secure Email

6-digit numeric validation code sent to the email address the form is being sent to.
Validation code expires 10 minutes after being sent. Link expires 7 days after being sent.

Secure Forwarding

6-digit numeric validation code sent to email address the form is being forward to.
Validation code expires in 10 minutes after being sent. Link expires 7 days after being sent.


$5/month per license or $50/year per license

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